Home » Final Self-Reflection

Final Self-Reflection

Ani, Araf                                                                                                                          12/17/2022

Final Self Reflection


Overall, I would like to say I really enjoyed this course. I learnt a lot over the semester, and I also got to do group work. I haven’t done group work in a couple years. For my group work, I had many different partners, however I didn’t have anyone with a linguistic difference from my own. If I did, I would try my best to work with them. Also, most of my conversations with my group members were over text, so even if there was a linguistic difference, I would have not noticed it.

When I did meet with my groups, we meet in person and had group talks.  We went over what we have done in our projects and went over what was needed to be done. It was a social activity since we were together face to face. We also meet over voice chat; this was nice to. This was so we could go over our current project since we don’t always have to meet face to face.

For the discussion boards, I liked how we had peer reviews. The peer reviews allowed me to look over how I wrote my essay and how I could improve it. I mostly had trouble with sourcing in my project. I had to look at how to source differently. Also, when I would write my projects, I would have to look for better sources. I started by just googling anything, but then I would see the website I picked. I would try to pick pear reviews studies as my sources, which are better than some random article on a news website.